22 Years Among the Sheep

Our anniversary compilation is ready to be released!
NOKTURNAL MORTUM "22 Years Among the Sheep" anniversary compilation and a tribute to NM will be released on 15.02.2016!
Pre-orders (99 copies with free t-shirt) available on:
contact: heritagerex@gmail.com
— 5 x CD
— exclusive 8 panel digifile (A5 format) with mat foil and spot UV
— 28 pages booklet with rare photos of NM and info about the bands participating in the tribute to NM
— first 2 x CD contains remixed, remastered, unreleased and live tracks of Nokturnal Mortum (check the file below)
— next 3 x CD contains covers of Nokturnal Mortum, played by 32 bands (Dub Buk, Finist, Prohod, Midnight Odyssey, Selvans, Serpeń, Abusiveness, Darkend, Żrec, Grylle, Wolves of Avalon, Nordglanz, Cristhorn, Dawn of Svarogh, Stworz, Garden of Grief, Athene Noctua, Moia Ochered, Aeon Winds, Azzrakgar, Pulsar Colony, Sawhill Sacrifice, Exurge, The Hum, Zgard, Zakon Velesa, Sombre Ostara, Paganland, Volk, Endless Battle, Arkuda, Gjallarhorn, Demoterion, Iron Woods)
— limited to 555 copies
— first 99 copies with a FREE t-shirt