We are glad to welcome two new members to the ranks of Nokturnal Mortum – guitarist Jurgis (also in Khors) and bassist Rutnar (also in Ivory Mist, Till Dawn). Saturious is no more the member of Nokturnal Mortum. It was a mutual decision, and we are friends still. Guitarist Aywar left the band because of serious reasons. Anyway, we are on good terms and wish him only the best!
Due to some medical problems with our drummer Bairoth's leg we don't consider any concert proposals till September.
However we will take part in charity gig in support of Ukrainian army that will take place on July 13th in our native Kharkiv. Also this will be the last concert for Saturious as a member of Nokturnal Mortum.
Besides that we must inform you that we WILL NOT perform at this year’s Carpathian Alliance Metal Fest.