Weltanschauung Box

Oriana Music presents the ultimate version of the monumental opus from 2005 — the collector's edition of Nokturnal Mortum — Weltanschauung!
Cardboard box with album cover art motive and the band's logo.
Limited to 222 hand numbered boxes. Each includes:
1) Two versions (Weltanschauung and Мировоззрение) of the album in 2CD A5 Digibook with deluxe booklet, available in collector's box only.
2) "Світогляд" CD-single, available in collector's box only — the new version of Weltanschauung/Мировоззрение anthem, now finally in Ukrainian, created during To Lunar Poetry/До лунарної поезії session
3) "Breath of Ragnarok" T-shirt, available in collector's box only.
4) Nokturnal Mortum flag, available in collector's box only.
5) Nokturnal Mortum double back patch, available in collector's box only.