Special Lunar Poetry set at Metal East Nove Kolo 2020 festival

Looking forward to play very special "Lunar Poetry" set at Metal East Nove Kolo festival in Kharkiv from 29th to 31st of May 2020! Information form the festival organizers:
The next announcement in line is predictable for many of you but at the same time is very special. Almost quarter of the century ago the godfathers of Ukrainian pagan black metal Nokturnal Mortum created one of their most praised works — full-length demo record "Lunar Poetry". However the band has not been playing songs from it for many years.
But soon will happen what was expected by many NOKTURNAL MORTUM fans — the band will play "Lunar Poetry" in its entirety for you at Metal East: Нове Коло 2020 festival in Kharkiv from 29th to 31st of May. Get ready to witness the unique concert performance of immortal pagan black metal anthems!