«UKRAINE. Life, Death and the Inner Revolution — an Eyewitness Account» by Imants Liepiņš

Nokturnal Mortum celebrated as one of the information sources for a bestselling Latvian book about revolution and war in Ukraine
During the recent Zobens un Lemess folk/metal festival in Latvia, Nokturnal Mortum found themselves in rather a surprising position when it was revealed that Knjaz Varrgoth has been a valuable source for Latvian media about Euromaidan events in Kharkiv.
The band also have been quoted in the book «UKRAINE. Life, Death and the Inner Revolution — an Eyewitness Account», written by journalist Imants Liepiņš who is reporting for the leading Latvian daily Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze as their special correspondent in Ukraine. His book (original Latvian title — «UKRAINA. Dzīvība, nāve un iekšējā revolūcija»), covering the Euromaidan revolution, Russian annexation of Crimea and the current Ukrainian National Guard military actions against terrorist hordes in Donbas, was published by the renowned Latvian publishing house Jumava. The book quickly made number 2 on the national bestsellers list and also reached 2nd spot on the Latvian Internet Bestsellers List. The inital printing sold out within several weeks, and the next batch was ordered.
«The book is a firsthand account of all the key events in Ukraine,» says the author. «I witnessed Euromaidan in Kyiv, then I managed to get into Crimea on the day when their fake imitation of referendum was taking place. Later I lived with terrorists in Donetsk and I was with them on the day when Ukrainian so-called «cyborgs» started to defeat DNR militants at the Donetsk airport. However, it is geographically impossible for one author to be present at all the important places, especially in such a vast country as Ukraine. Therefore I am relying to local people in different cities who are willing to share their unique experience with Latvian readers.»
«One of them has been Knazj Varrgoth, who told me Nokturnal Mortum's story about participating into the local Euromaidan at the Kharkiv city. He described how slowly the patriotic people won their city back from pro-Kremlin titushki who almost had Kharkiv under ther control. This story was first published in Latvian media, and later it was included in the book, too. But Knazj Varrgoth has provided information for Latvian audience also on numerous other occassions, therefore I am certain he will continue to do so!» Imants added.
The book was presented to Nokturnal Mortum on stage during their performance at Zobens un Lemess festival. After receiving the book from the author, Nokturnal Mortum went into «Slava Heroyam».
The book «UKRAINE. Life, Death and the Inner Revolution — an Eyewitness Account» is being planned to be one of the Latvian entries at the world's largest book fair, the Frankfurt Buch Messe, which will take place on October 2015. The book will be offered for translation in other languages.
The book and its cover:
Examples of interviews in Latvian media:
http://www.kasjauns.lv/lv/zinas/198633/festivala-viesite-muzices-ukrainas-patrioti-nokturnal-mortumNokturnal Mortum celebrated as one of the information sources for a bestselling Latvian book about revolution and war in Ukraine
During the recent Zobens un Lemess folk/metal festival in Latvia, Nokturnal Mortum found themselves in rather a surprising position when it was revealed that Knjaz Varrgoth has been a valuable source for Latvian media about Euromaidan events in Kharkiv.
The band also have been quoted in the book «UKRAINE. Life, Death and the Inner Revolution — an Eyewitness Account», written by journalist Imants Liepiņš who is reporting for the leading Latvian daily Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze as their special correspondent in Ukraine. His book (original Latvian title — «UKRAINA. Dzīvība, nāve un iekšējā revolūcija»), covering the Euromaidan revolution, Russian annexation of Crimea and the current Ukrainian National Guard military actions against terrorist hordes in Donbas, was published by the renowned Latvian publishing house Jumava. The book quickly made number 2 on the national bestsellers list and also reached 2nd spot on the Latvian Internet Bestsellers List. The inital printing sold out within several weeks, and the next batch was ordered.
«The book is a firsthand account of all the key events in Ukraine,» says the author. «I witnessed Euromaidan in Kyiv, then I managed to get into Crimea on the day when their fake imitation of referendum was taking place. Later I lived with terrorists in Donetsk and I was with them on the day when Ukrainian so-called «cyborgs» started to defeat DNR militants at the Donetsk airport. However, it is geographically impossible for one author to be present at all the important places, especially in such a vast country as Ukraine. Therefore I am relying to local people in different cities who are willing to share their unique experience with Latvian readers.»
«One of them has been Knazj Varrgoth, who told me Nokturnal Mortum's story about participating into the local Euromaidan at the Kharkiv city. He described how slowly the patriotic people won their city back from pro-Kremlin titushki who almost had Kharkiv under ther control. This story was first published in Latvian media, and later it was included in the book, too. But Knazj Varrgoth has provided information for Latvian audience also on numerous other occassions, therefore I am certain he will continue to do so!» Imants added.
The book was presented to Nokturnal Mortum on stage during their performance at Zobens un Lemess festival. After receiving the book from the author, Nokturnal Mortum went into «Slava Heroyam».
The book «UKRAINE. Life, Death and the Inner Revolution — an Eyewitness Account» is being planned to be one of the Latvian entries at the world's largest book fair, the Frankfurt Buch Messe, which will take place on October 2015. The book will be offered for translation in other languages.
The book and its cover:
Examples of interviews in Latvian media: